Barbara Walters

Journalist Barbara Walters was born on September 25th, 1929 in Boston, Massachusetts. She landed her first job as an assistant at WRCA-TV, now WNBC. Eventually she moved to CBS where she wrote for the networks Morning Show. She continued to improve and began writing for NBCs Today Show. Walters began to start interviewing and after viewing First Lady, Jacqueline Kennedy, she gained a lot of attention and established a name for herself. Soon after she became a the first female co-anchor on the Today Show for 11 years. She was also the first women to earn a seven figure pay in journalism, her nickname soon became "Today Girl".In 1997, Barbara Walters she premiered a mid-morning talk show that many know today, The View. In 2013 she retired however she continues to be a co-executive producer and co-host on the show.
Personality Journalism
Barbara Walters is known for her interviewing style, which consisted of maneuvered questions that often caught people off-guard and revealed uncommon honest answers. Barbara redefined the art of personality journalism. She was known for being the first to interview those who the public want to here from. For example, Barbara was the first to to interview Christopher Reeve, who was a famous actor, after a horse-riding accident that left him paralyzed. She was often criticized for displaying personal emotion in order to pump up ratings.
What made Barbara so much different than other journalists was that she allowed us to see the personalities of the people she would interview. Soon after the 9/11 attacks, she traveled to Saudi Arabia to interview Osama Bin Ladens brother and others Saudi middle class men and women. These interviews presented a different picture of the Saudi population and it effected how the world viewed them.
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