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My Top News Sources

Although twitter is known for being a social media app and not a news outlet, it still provides its users with breaking news in regards to politics, weather, climate change, etc. Younger generations are not getting their news from social media apps because it is quick and always at the palm of our hands. Major news networks are now beginning to use Twitter in order to reach younger audiences. 

Another social media platform I use to keep up with the news is Facebook. However I feel as if Facebook only portrays certain topics of news in regards to what the company thinks you're interested in. For example, news about climate change constantly pop up on my timeline but politics rarely do. This could be a good thing because every time I go on my timeline it provides me of news I am interested in however, I am not ever reading about news that could be urgent or important because Facebook doesn’t think I would be interested in it.

New York Times 
Not only do I like The New York Times because I am from New York, but because it is a trustworthy source in that they have a professionals in the fields reporting the news to the readers. For example they have lawyers covering law, doctors covering health, former U.S. Marines covering war, and economists and M.B.A.s covering the economy. This newspaper is especially useful for students because they save articles from the past allowing readers to find out information from past events. 

Fox News Channel 
I am partial to Fox News because it was the news station I grew up watching as a child and one of the reasons why I want to be a Journalist today. I woke up every morning to watch Rosanna Scotto  and Greg Kelly every morning before school. However, as I grow older and gain more knowledge on politics it could be hard to watch Fox News in that they can be biased to the conservative and republican parties. Now that I am older I appreciate news that does not contain biased information so that I can develop my own opinions on certain matters.  

E! News
E! News is a source that focuses entirely on the entertainment industry, such as celebrity news and gossip. It is one of my personal favorites because this news source keeps you up to date on the latest fashion statements, as well as popular movies and tv shows. Many of those who are into fashion often rely on E! News to post pictures of celebrities and their outfits for popular entertainment events and award shows. E! News also have in depth interviews with stars, which increases their viewings. 


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